SAND architecture



This document seeks to provide the most condensed possible introduction to SAND. The vast majority of detail has been relegated to a reference implementation, with only a few of the more basic points referenced here in the appendices. This introduction represents an extensive reduction to the bare essentials, and should by no means be understood to represent a complete description or specification.

SAND (Structs and Nodes Development) is a system architecture and development platform for building highly flexible and scalable applications. It is based on structs (which declare data), and nodes (which receive and produce data), being highly leveraged from within a fully supportive development environment.

In effect, SAND is a return to the simplicity of a struct declaration for data, and code module to work on it, but at a level that

  1. reflects the multiple data formats and distributed nature of enterprise computing,
  2. supports and leverages the OOP aspects of Java
  3. leaves room for emerging technologies both at the component level and across the application
SAND is developed from the application towards the supporting technologies, rather than from the technology APIs towards the application. It provides a framework for leveraging J2EE and/or other proprietary technologies without lock-in.

The intention of SAND is to allow for immediate and continuous application development, focusing almost exclusively on business logic rather than underlying technologies. Wherever possible, code is automatically generated from struct and/or node declarations, and the business logic is insulated from specific implementations of messaging, configuration, control, persistence or other technologies. Structs and nodes provide the conceptual basis, and the development environment makes the concepts executable.



The term "struct" is borrowed from the C programming language. Like in C, a struct declares a conglomeration of basic data elements. In SAND, structs are standard .java class files that form the meta-source for all data declarations. A struct will

Structs form the basis for messages, which define the input and output for nodes. Each struct definition generates a corresponding message definition, so for example generates the message class, plus optional verb messages used for instance management if declared. A message extends the struct, and adds both autogenerated and manually created utility methods to manipulate the data within the java runtime.

Structs may extend other structs. So for example might extend and add other data elements useful to a particular application. Inheritance allows for common code, while also allowing for customized applications.

Struct declarations are leveraged to generate code for configuration, control, messaging, caching, persistence, serialization etc. The use of structs allows a data element to exist in a variety of forms (XML, relational database row, HTML form data, message object etc) without having to write interfacing and validation code for each format.



The term "node" is borrowed from graph theory, and reflects the graph formed by the flow of messages in a running SAND system. In SAND, a node is a java package containing code which is responsible for fulfilling a single business logic function.

A node is specified by its declaration class. For example an Authorizer node (in package would contain an class which is the node declaration. From this, the SAND development environment will automatically create an abstract class containing the base implementation code. The developer must then override AuthorizerNodeBase in to form the main processing entry point. All other classes and files in the package are unrestricted.

A node declaration class must:

A node base class provides:

Code in a node package:



The SAND development environment (sandbox) takes care of the majority of "plumbing and processes" necessary in a development project. Creating a sandbox is a significant effort, but is both highly flexible and highly re-usable.

A sandbox includes (at a minimum) the basics project, code generators, and the SAND configuration management tool (sandman). It will typically require additional supporting technologies (version management, build tools, J2EE container, database, XML serialization, web server or other UI rendering tools etc) to be fully functional. The total installation of a sandbox is kept as simple as possible.

An installed sandbox includes all directory structures, automated build processes, documentation, and tools. While a complete list of sandbox services and usage is beyond the scope of this document, some of the more noteworthy points that occur during the product lifecycle include:

  1. Creating a new project: a sandbox supports multiple simultaneous project definitions, which may optionally depend on each other. Declaring a new project is kept as simple as possible, usually copying a basic template and adapting it for use. The build processing generates a comprehensive website of the entire sandbox project structure, which is easily navigable via either physical project hierarchy, or project dependency information. The top level is SAND/docs/index.html, which provides links to other documents in the docs directory tree in addition to project navigation.

  2. Creating struct declarations: Run the build to generate the data documentation and code. The javadoc comments for the structs are linked into the generated project documentation, and the generated messages are linked back to the structs and supporting SAND documentation. The struct definitions trigger all the supporting code for the application, including persistency (for example SQL schema declaration, DataManager message validation code, entity beans for messages, session beans for queries and aggregate updates, initial data verification code, database maintenance commands etc), serialization (for example code to convert messages to XML, code to instantiate messages from XML, DTD and/or schema definitions etc), messaging object classes (accessors, mutators, validators, utilities to access JMS or proprietary messaging implementations etc), and other supporting declarations for sandman, install etc.

  3. Creating node declarations: The build also generates a package.html source file containing the node declaration comments, a summary of input and output, node properties (configuration information), overview of module tests etc. which links the node into the project documentation via javadoc. In addition to the base node class, supporting declarations and code for sandman, install etc. are also generated.

  4. Creating a deployment configuration: Run sandman to create a new application deployment for your project(s). Choose from the available node declarations to create the node instances which comprise the configuration, and configure the messaging data flows through the node properties (sandman provides message type checking, and other helpful configuration overview/navigation utilities).

  5. Creating initial data: Using sandman, create the initial data instances for your deployment. For example root users, root nodes for tree representations, referential integrity check instances etc. as needed by your application. Sandman provides an object instance editor generated from the struct definitions, which ensures that the created instances are valid. Only the fields and values explicitly specified for each instance are actually stored, ensuring that subsequent changes to default values in the struct declarations will be reflected in the deployment.

  6. Creating system tests: Using sandman, create one or more test configurations, which include the deployment configuration, and add MessageDriver nodes at appropriate points in the system to generate and monitor message traffic. Use the testscript editor to create the test scripts for each MessageDriver node instance. Add the test configurations to the automated build processing.

  7. Application development: At this point the automated build process is rebuilding the project and running the tests of the deployment. Test failures, test completeness, system features, node behavior, data structures etc all need to be reviewed against release requirements so that successful completion of all the system tests fields a release candidate. On acceptance of a candidate, the release code is typically tagged through a build command, the installation is burned, and formal delivery is made. Some of the more noteworthy aspects in this process include:

The simplicity of the struct declarations, and the verifiable behavior of the system as a whole, provides enormous leverage at almost all points in the product lifecycle. SAND provides huge advantages in initial development, but its primary focus is on the application over time.



struct @tag declarations:

The SAND development environment supports at least the following javadoc tags and parameters for structs:


node @tag declarations:

The SAND development environment supports at least the following javadoc tags and parameters in node declarations:


Limited types for configuration parameters:

Configuration parameters are limited to the basic types, or arrays of basic types, in order to provide a consistent configuration interface for all nodes. Cramming more advanced information into these basic types through serialized object forms, associated arrays etc. is strongly discouraged. Where more advanced information is needed by the node, a struct declaration should be created, with the instances loaded via query at node initialization time.

All configuration parameters are declared locally to a specific node. There is no inheritance between groups of nodes, nor is there any concept of a global configuration attribute. Global values can be specified through system variables.


Only data members in structs:

If a struct were allowed to declare a public final static member, or other data members that are not recognized as part of the canonical form, then the message class would have access to data not available in other data representations.

If a struct were allowed to declare methods of any kind, then the message class would have access to data manipulation logic that is not specified for other data representations.

While it may seem odd to only allow protected data elements in a java class, this is necessary to produce a canonical data declaration which can manifest itself across more representations than just java classes. Note that additional data members, constants, methods etc can be added to the resulting message through both automated and manual code generation, so in practice this limitation is not a significant development issue.


Verb messages:

A SAND development environment (sandbox) provides verb messages (generated from struct tag declarations) that have specific processing requirements. At a minimum, this includes:


SAND development environment effort:

There is a tendency to begrudge the time spent up front in setting up a development environment since it is not tied to a specific deliverable feature. However this one aspect of software development frequently results in an order of magnitude more work than initially estimated, and ends up either getting done or manifesting itself as wasted development time. In short you pay for the time either way, but if you do it up front it takes less total time and development is more productive (and fun).

A quality development environment is part of "doing it right". The test for if something was "done right" is increasing returns for decreasing development effort over time.


SAND basics:

The "basics" project ships as part of the sandbox, and provides the fundamental declarations and code needed for SAND development. The basics project is set up like any other SAND project so it serves as an example in addition to providing the needed structs and nodes.

A partial sampling of the basics project includes:


SAND configuration management tool (sandman):

A sandman implementation is a significant application, which among other things obviates the need for a separate "admin" application under most circumstances. It vastly simplifies many development, deployment, and testing tasks, and under most circumstances can be viewed as a "black box". However there are several aspects which are worth explicitly noting for comparison and implementation purposes:

  1. Control aspects of the system, such starting and stopping nodes, can be implemented in a variety of ways. This can be as simple as a program running each node in a separate thread (provided the entire configuration can be run inside of a single JVM) or as advanced as a JMX wrapper running inside of clusterable J2EE container. Communication is two-way here, since nodes will need to signal things like catastrophic system failure through a utility method.

  2. Configuration information must be stored independently of the DataManager, since it is part of bootstrapping the system into existence. By dumping out the message structure via an XML serializer, this information can be captured into a file (e.g. configuration.xml). For a simple deployment running on a single computer, this is enough. However any non-trivial system will likely require either transactionally safe replication of the file on modification, or use of a common reference copy (typically via JNDI). Other technologies are certainly possible.

  3. Messaging interactions are also important to consider. Optimized messaging (especially for synchronous calls) must in many cases be optimized for acceptable system performance. The messaging code may need a way to determine cases where a direct call can be made (i.e. the two node instances are in the same process), unless the messaging and control technologies are already optimized.

    A SAND application relies on sandman and the generated code, both of which in turn rely on the supporting technology. This means that the same application can be configured to run on a single small computer, or multiple computers in multiple data centers, depending on the underlying technologies involved.


    SAND directory structure:

    A typical sandbox will assign specific semantics to reserved directory names. For example:

    So a subsection of an actual SAND installation might look like:


    Pushing the source three levels down is unfortunate, but unfortunately fairly typical. It is possible to factor the source prefix directories, but the build processing is usually slowed down far beyond any gain from a more concise directory structure. The structure may improve as java compilers continue to evolve.


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